How to Prepare for a Virtual Whiteboard Coding Interview

How to Ace Your Whiteboard Interview:

The novel coronavirus pandemic disrupted entire industries—and recruitment is no exception. About 86% of employers are now using video conferencing tools to interview candidates. Many of them switched to remote work or started to offer hybrid and flexible schedules.

If you’re a programmer or software engineer, you may have to attend virtual whiteboard coding interviews in your job search. A virtual whiteboard is a collaborative tool that allows employees to assign online tasks during job interviews. At the same time, it makes it easier to keep track of candidates.

What’s more, virtual whiteboards allow for real-time interactions.

Recruiters can use this technology to get a glimpse into your thinking process and assess your abilities more accurately. Candidates, on the other hand, can easily update and edit their work.

Not sure where to start? Take these steps to ace your online whiteboard interview and get the job!

Prepare the Basics

Virtual whiteboard coding interviews are not too different from video interviews. You still need to look neat, test your setup, and join on time.

For starters, make sure your equipment is working properly.

Test your computer, webcam, speaker, and microphone, and then log into the platform you’re going to use. Choose a well-lit, quiet space and remove any distractions.

Don’t forget to turn off your phone and other devices. Also, disable your email notifications so you can give the interviewer your full attention.

Practice, Practice, Practice

Take the time to familiarize yourself with Zoom’s features or whatever platform you’re going to use. Ideally, start practicing whiteboarding several days prior to the job interview.

Go online and look for whiteboard coding interview questions related to the role you’re applying for. Practice your answers and engage in interactive activities. Consider taking practice tests to assess your skills and gain confidence.

The complexity of the tasks presented in a whiteboard coding interview depends on the job.

If you’re applying for an entry-level role, you may be asked to use CSS, HTML, or Java to solve basic problems.

A senior role, on the other hand, will involve more complex tasks, such as identifying and troubleshooting software issues. Be prepared to think outside the box and use your coding skills to address the problem on the spot.

Ask for Feedback

Start writing the code as instructed, but try to get some feedback before you complete the task. Ask the interviewer if your work looks good and offer to make any changes that may be required.

Don’t hesitate to ask for help if you get stuck. Just keep it casual. For example, you could ask: “I’m having a little bit of trouble here; do you have any tips to point me in the right direction?”

Note that you can always use diagrams and other visual elements to make your point across. That’s one of the biggest advantages of having a whiteboard coding interview.

So, if you’re having trouble writing the code, seek alternative ways to present your ideas.

Ace Your Whiteboard Coding Interview

Whiteboard coding interviews come with their challenges, but you’ll get the chance to prove your skills and get feedback in real-time. Remember that practice makes it perfect.

Familiarize yourself with this interview technique and compile a list of potential questions. Next, use a virtual whiteboard to simulate the actual experience and get ready for the big day.

Interested to find out more? Then make sure you browse the rest of our blog for other expert tips. If you’re an employer, contact us to discuss your staffing needs and see how we can help.