The Coding Talent Crunch: Strategies to Overcome the Software Developer Shortage

Table of Contents

  • [toc headings="h2" title="Table of Contents"] Hiring skilled software developers isn’t easy—and it’s not likely to get easier any time soon. The Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts employment of software developers will grow by 25% through 2032, adding even more strain to an already depleted talent market. Companies that rely on skilled software engineers know this isn’t a new problem, either. As far back as 2019, The Wall Street Journal reported roughly 918,000 IT jobs sat unfilled, many of which were for developers; some large enterprises even resorted to buying out smaller tech companies just to access their talent. While recruiting software developers is challenging, there are less extreme strategies that companies of all sizes can use to overcome this skill gap. Let’s take a closer look at the ongoing tech talent gap and some steps organizations can take to fully staff their organization despite the talent shortage.  

  • Why is there a developer skill shortage?

  • There are a number of factors contributing to the current skill shortage. One is a simple matter of supply and demand. Over the past few years, businesses around the world underwent a digital transformation. Today, organizations in industries ranging from education and healthcare to manufacturing and transportation increasingly rely on technology to engage with customers and manage their operations. This means more companies who need Python Engineers, Software Architects, UX/UI Developers, and other software talent on their team. Considering there was already a shortage of developers back in 2019, this growing demand only exacerbated the problem. Data from Microsoft shows that already more than half of the available jobs require technology skills, a figure expected to increase to more than 77% by 2030. Adding to this problem is the fact that hiring developers can be a major challenge. These roles require specialized skills, often referred to using niche terminology that those outside the tech world may not fully understand. Salary expectations for developers have also been on the rise, making it hard for smaller companies with limited budgets to keep up with those expectations. Once a company finds the right developers, keeping them there isn’t easy, either. A lack of available talent often means the developers who are hired are overworked, leading to poor work-life balance and burnout that sends them looking for a new role and leaving employers back where they started. The last piece of this puzzle is the fast pace of technological change. The skills employers need in software developers shift more rapidly than in other industries, and the education of new talent often lags behind these changing demands. In today’s world, the growing use of automation and artificial intelligence is the main shift impacting the developer employment landscape, with organizations increasingly looking for developers who have experience with AI/ML algorithms and practices, as well as areas like data security, cloud computing, blockchain, DevOps, DataOps and MLOps, just to name some of skills currently growing in demand. When you take all of these factors together, it’s easy to see why developers are in such high demand—and why the current skill shortage isn’t likely to go away any time soon.

  • Most in-demand developer skills

  • One of the challenges with hiring developers is that this is a broad category that includes individuals with a wide array of skill sets. Knowing exactly which skills you need on your team can help you to home in on the right candidates for your roles. Here are some of the most sought-after developer skills in job posts today.

  • Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML)

  • Just about every industry is looking toward ways they can employ AI and automation to maximize efficiency, improve their operations, and provide better service to their customers. Roles like RPA Developer and AI Engineer are among the most consistently in-demand in the 2024 job market, and that is likely to be true for years to come. Related skills include proficiency in languages like Python and R, knowledge of tools like TensorFlow, PyTorch, and Keras, and experience with platforms like Microsoft Azure or Google Cloud AI.

  • Cloud computing

  • One common step in a digital transformation is a cloud migration, where businesses transition to using distributed platforms and systems rather than software and hardware located right in their office. To accomplish this successfully, they need Cloud Engineers and developers with experience in AWS, Google Cloud, Azure, or other cloud platforms. The most sought-after professionals are those with knowledge of serverless architecture and container technologies like Kubernetes or Docker.

  • Cybersecurity

  • Now that all of those files and systems are located on the cloud, the question of how to keep them safe from malicious agents is even more pressing. This has driven up demand for Data Security Engineers, Cloud Security Architects, and other developers with deep knowledge of firewalls, VPNs, and security protocols like HTTPS, as well as those who understand best practices and principles to keep software secure.

  • DevOps and site reliability engineering (SRE)

  • As software and systems become more complex, developers need expertise in how to build and maintain scalable systems that stay reliable and accessible as they grow. Understanding of agile methodologies and continuous integration/continuous deployment (CI/CD) methodologies also helps to speed up the software delivery lifecycle, while performance engineering practices are critical to minimize downtime and optimize applications and infrastructure. This has amplified demand for positions like DevOps Engineer and Site Reliability Engineer.

  • Full-stack development

  • Front End Developers can design a smooth user interface with languages like CSS, JavaScript, and HTML. Backend programmers understand server-side languages like Python, Java, and PHP, allowing them to build the behind-the-scenes aspects of programs. Full-Stack Developers can do it all, and this makes them especially useful for smaller companies and teams. Database management is also often in their skill sets, making them critical players in maintaining an organization’s entire technology stack.

  • Recruitment strategies to attract the right software developers

  • Even with a software developer talent shortage ongoing, there are still high-quality development professionals looking for work—organizations may simply need to try a bit harder to connect with and attract them. Here are some recruitment strategies you can use to overcome the tech talent gap and hire the developers your organization needs.

  • 1. Explore new talent pools and recruiting channels.

  • Most businesses with open positions default to online job marketplaces like LinkedIn or Indeed. While these can be a great place to find talent, they’re also very active on both the employer and candidate side, which can mean a lot of competition for the best developers. Expanding the places you source talent gives you more options for where to connect with developers. An easy first step is to include places like Stack Overflow and GitHub Jobs when deciding where to post open positions. These websites are used specifically by developers, and niching down on them can be a way to connect with software developers who aren’t actively looking for a job on more general platforms. While online hiring is efficient, don’t forget about the power of in-person recruiting events. Attending conferences, expos, tech meetups, and job fairs can be an excellent way to connect with professionals, including passive talent you may not find on job boards. For developers specifically, hosting events like hackathons or codeathons can be a fun way to find developers, and has the added bonus of letting you preview their skills before you contact them about an open role. Another option is to go straight to the source and recruit from STEM education institutions and programs. Recent graduates from colleges and universities can be an excellent fit for entry-level developer roles. In a similar vein, try reaching out to coding academies or bootcamps. The majority of people who take part in these programs do so because they’re trying to break into the software developer industry, so they’ll be actively looking for jobs after they finish. One advantage of bootcamps over university programs is that graduates are more likely to be career-switchers, military veterans, and other professionals with workplace experience. This can expand their value beyond the entry level. Finally, remember that you don’t need to go it alone. Working with a technology recruiter can give you access to a much broader talent pool than most employers can find on their own. Recruiters also have expertise in the job market and can help you best convey your company culture, determine the right compensation and benefits for the role, and otherwise refine your recruitment to make it more successful.

  • 2. Implement an employee referral program.

  • Employee referral programs are one of the easiest and most effective ways to bring in fresh, highly skilled developers. This gives you access to employees’ professional networks, taking full advantage of your team members as a resource to overcome the developer skill gap. Just asking employees to refer people to your open jobs is a good first step. Incentivizing referrals can increase employee participation in these programs. One common incentive approach is to give both the referring employee and referred hire a bonus after the hire has been with the company for a specified length of time. Not only can referrals bring in more applicants, but they can increase the average quality level of those candidates. Employees know better than most exactly what skills and traits will make someone a good fit for your roles. They also won’t refer someone they don’t want to work with, which can help you hire people who will mesh well with your culture and work environment. This makes hiring through employee referrals one of the top retention strategies, as well as a great way to hire better people faster.

  • 3. Improve your employer branding.

  • Developers know that they’re in high demand. The best professionals aren’t simply looking for any old job—they can afford to be picky about the work environment, culture, advancement opportunities, and values or mission of their next employer. To attract the best talent, you need to show them that your company is a place they want to work. Employer branding is the best way to do this. Use your online presence wisely to showcase aspects of your workplace that will appeal to top developers. If you have a strong mentorship program, for example, or provide employees with professional development opportunities and a continuous learning culture, these are things that will appeal to top-tier software developers. Other things to highlight are your diversity and inclusion efforts, unique benefits that you offer, or if you provide a high amount of flexibility or other programs aimed at improving employees' work-life balance. Another tip for employer branding: involve your employees in these efforts. Messages about the work environment and culture will resonate more and come across as more authentic if they’re delivered by employees rather than the company at large. Feature employee testimonials on your website and social media pages, and encourage employees to be advocates for your company through their social networks.

  • 4. Embrace flexibility and remote work.

  • With most developer roles, you don’t need someone who can come to your office to get the job done well. Offering remote work can have multiple benefits for companies eager to hire more developers. For one thing, it expands your reach to the entire global talent pool, increasing your odds of finding someone with the skills you need. The option to work from anywhere can also make your company more appealing to job seekers because it allows them more flexibility to achieve their ideal work-life balance. That can benefit your talent retention along with your talent acquisition efforts.

  • 5. Offer competitive compensation and desirable benefits.

  • We mentioned earlier that the top developers can afford to be picky. That’s true of the compensation and benefits they get from a role, too. The best software developers know what they’re worth and won’t take a job that offers them less. The first step to offering competitive compensation is understanding what “competitive” means. Research the going rate for the type of talent you’re hiring and make sure your salary matches or exceeds that average. Along with this, include information about your compensation and benefits in your job postings, so that interested applicants know they’ll be fairly compensated and fully valued if they’re hired by your organization.

  • 6. Integrate AI and automation into your recruitment strategy.

  • Automation is the latest innovation in recruitment strategies, and one that you should absolutely take advantage of if you’re struggling to find and hire developers. There are a wide variety of recruiting tools out there making use of AI algorithms to source, attract, engage with, and screen candidates. To give some examples, one beneficial use of AI in recruitment is automated parsing, which quickly scans resumes to identify relevant skills and experience. This can be employed not just on applications you receive but also professionals’ profiles on sites like LinkedIn. Some tools have a specific function to identify passive candidates who could be a good fit for your roles. Once you’ve gotten a candidate’s attention, you can use automated coding tests and behavioral assessments to verify that they’ll be a fit for your role and culture. Other tools like automatic interview schedulers or pre-screening chatbots can help to make your developer hiring process more efficient.

  • 7. Create an internship or apprenticeship program.

  • You don’t need to wait until students graduate to connect with them about open roles in your organization. Implementing an internship program gives you a head start on landing the best young talent coming out of STEM education institutions, which can be very beneficial for overcoming skill gaps. Internship programs are a relatively low-risk way to access young talent. These roles are typically short-term, often lasting for a few weeks and scheduled to fall over summer break, or last for a single college semester. While they may be paid, they are also often offered for college credit, which can be a win-win for employers and interns. A similar approach is starting an apprenticeship program. Apprenticeships tend to be more long-term than internships, designed to provide in-depth, hands-on training that prepares the apprentice for a full-time, permanent role. While apprentices are still typically early in their career, they aren’t necessarily students in a university course, so you can connect with a broader array of talent by bringing on apprentices. Apprenticeships can also be excellent tools to further diversity and inclusion efforts, helping you to bring new people into the software development world who may not have had the chance to take these types of roles otherwise.

  • Other strategies to overcome a developer skill shortage

  • Hiring more developers is only one of the ways you can bring these skills to your team. For employers who are currently lacking developers, exploring other methods of overcoming skill shortages can help you to reach full productivity faster. Whether you use these as stop-gaps while you look for the right people or as permanent solutions, here are some other strategies you can try to overcome the developer talent gap.

  • 1. Cross-train employees with complementary skill sets.

  • Upskilling and reskilling your existing team can have a host of benefits. For one thing, it lets you add critical skill sets without the need to hire more employees. This can also help to keep your best performers on your team since you’re helping them learn new skills that will bolster their resume and lead to more career progress in the future.

  • 2. Outsource work to freelancers or agencies.

  • Hiring a developer doesn’t need to mean bringing them on as a full-time, permanent hire. Especially if you only have occasional need for developers, or need them for a short-term project, using freelance talent can be an excellent alternative. This can also be a way to hire more experienced talent, or individuals with niche skill sets who may be difficult to find in the job market. Another related term you may hear is nearshoring. Outsourcing and nearshoring are similar concepts but with a key difference. In outsourcing, you hire a third party to do the work, often someone located in a different country. In nearshoring, you specifically look for someone from your country or an immediate neighbor. For example, a U.S.-based company might outsource work to India, but nearshore work to Canada. In either case, this is a way to delegate tasks outside of your agency so you can get the skills you need without the need to hire.

  • 3. Use low-code and no-code platforms to reduce developers’ workload.

  • One way around the developer skill gap is if you remove the need for developer skills in the first place. Taking advantage of no-code and low-code platforms lets you design the apps, programs, and software you need without advanced knowledge of programming languages.

  • Closing the developer skill gap

  • There is no easy answer for overcoming the software developer talent shortage, but there are a number of different strategies employers can try to access the critical developer skills they need. It’s up to each organization to assess their current needs and resources to determine which of the strategies above will be the most successful for them. The truth is, while hiring experienced developers can be challenging, it’s certainly not impossible. There are skilled software developers out there ready to work for the companies who have the right strategic recruiting plan in place to find them. 

Hiring skilled software developers isn’t easy—and it’s not likely to get easier any time soon. The Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts employment of software developers will grow by 25% through 2032, adding even more strain to an already depleted talent market.

Companies that rely on skilled software engineers know this isn’t a new problem, either. As far back as 2019, The Wall Street Journal reported roughly 918,000 IT jobs sat unfilled, many of which were for developers; some large enterprises even resorted to buying out smaller tech companies just to access their talent.

While recruiting software developers is challenging, there are less extreme strategies that companies of all sizes can use to overcome this skill gap. Let’s take a closer look at the ongoing tech talent gap and some steps organizations can take to fully staff their organization despite the talent shortage.  

Why is there a developer skill shortage?

There are a number of factors contributing to the current skill shortage. One is a simple matter of supply and demand. Over the past few years, businesses around the world underwent a digital transformation. Today, organizations in industries ranging from education and healthcare to manufacturing and transportation increasingly rely on technology to engage with customers and manage their operations. This means more companies who need Python Engineers, Software Architects, UX/UI Developers, and other software talent on their team.

Considering there was already a shortage of developers back in 2019, this growing demand only exacerbated the problem. Data from Microsoft shows that already more than half of the available jobs require technology skills, a figure expected to increase to more than 77% by 2030.

Adding to this problem is the fact that hiring developers can be a major challenge. These roles require specialized skills, often referred to using niche terminology that those outside the tech world may not fully understand. Salary expectations for developers have also been on the rise, making it hard for smaller companies with limited budgets to keep up with those expectations.

Once a company finds the right developers, keeping them there isn’t easy, either. A lack of available talent often means the developers who are hired are overworked, leading to poor work-life balance and burnout that sends them looking for a new role and leaving employers back where they started.

The last piece of this puzzle is the fast pace of technological change. The skills employers need in software developers shift more rapidly than in other industries, and the education of new talent often lags behind these changing demands. In today’s world, the growing use of automation and artificial intelligence is the main shift impacting the developer employment landscape, with organizations increasingly looking for developers who have experience with AI/ML algorithms and practices, as well as areas like data security, cloud computing, blockchain, DevOps, DataOps and MLOps, just to name some of skills currently growing in demand.

When you take all of these factors together, it’s easy to see why developers are in such high demand—and why the current skill shortage isn’t likely to go away any time soon.

Most in-demand developer skills

One of the challenges with hiring developers is that this is a broad category that includes individuals with a wide array of skill sets. Knowing exactly which skills you need on your team can help you to home in on the right candidates for your roles. Here are some of the most sought-after developer skills in job posts today.

Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML)

Just about every industry is looking toward ways they can employ AI and automation to maximize efficiency, improve their operations, and provide better service to their customers. Roles like RPA Developer and AI Engineer are among the most consistently in-demand in the 2024 job market, and that is likely to be true for years to come. Related skills include proficiency in languages like Python and R, knowledge of tools like TensorFlow, PyTorch, and Keras, and experience with platforms like Microsoft Azure or Google Cloud AI.

Cloud computing

One common step in a digital transformation is a cloud migration, where businesses transition to using distributed platforms and systems rather than software and hardware located right in their office. To accomplish this successfully, they need Cloud Engineers and developers with experience in AWS, Google Cloud, Azure, or other cloud platforms. The most sought-after professionals are those with knowledge of serverless architecture and container technologies like Kubernetes or Docker.


Now that all of those files and systems are located on the cloud, the question of how to keep them safe from malicious agents is even more pressing. This has driven up demand for Data Security Engineers, Cloud Security Architects, and other developers with deep knowledge of firewalls, VPNs, and security protocols like HTTPS, as well as those who understand best practices and principles to keep software secure.

DevOps and site reliability engineering (SRE)

As software and systems become more complex, developers need expertise in how to build and maintain scalable systems that stay reliable and accessible as they grow. Understanding of agile methodologies and continuous integration/continuous deployment (CI/CD) methodologies also helps to speed up the software delivery lifecycle, while performance engineering practices are critical to minimize downtime and optimize applications and infrastructure. This has amplified demand for positions like DevOps Engineer and Site Reliability Engineer.

Full-stack development

Front End Developers can design a smooth user interface with languages like CSS, JavaScript, and HTML. Backend programmers understand server-side languages like Python, Java, and PHP, allowing them to build the behind-the-scenes aspects of programs. Full-Stack Developers can do it all, and this makes them especially useful for smaller companies and teams. Database management is also often in their skill sets, making them critical players in maintaining an organization’s entire technology stack.

Recruitment strategies to attract the right software developers

Even with a software developer talent shortage ongoing, there are still high-quality development professionals looking for work—organizations may simply need to try a bit harder to connect with and attract them. Here are some recruitment strategies you can use to overcome the tech talent gap and hire the developers your organization needs.

1. Explore new talent pools and recruiting channels.

Most businesses with open positions default to online job marketplaces like LinkedIn or Indeed. While these can be a great place to find talent, they’re also very active on both the employer and candidate side, which can mean a lot of competition for the best developers.

Expanding the places you source talent gives you more options for where to connect with developers. An easy first step is to include places like Stack Overflow and GitHub Jobs when deciding where to post open positions. These websites are used specifically by developers, and niching down on them can be a way to connect with software developers who aren’t actively looking for a job on more general platforms.

While online hiring is efficient, don’t forget about the power of in-person recruiting events. Attending conferences, expos, tech meetups, and job fairs can be an excellent way to connect with professionals, including passive talent you may not find on job boards. For developers specifically, hosting events like hackathons or codeathons can be a fun way to find developers, and has the added bonus of letting you preview their skills before you contact them about an open role.

Another option is to go straight to the source and recruit from STEM education institutions and programs. Recent graduates from colleges and universities can be an excellent fit for entry-level developer roles. In a similar vein, try reaching out to coding academies or bootcamps. The majority of people who take part in these programs do so because they’re trying to break into the software developer industry, so they’ll be actively looking for jobs after they finish. One advantage of bootcamps over university programs is that graduates are more likely to be career-switchers, military veterans, and other professionals with workplace experience. This can expand their value beyond the entry level.

Finally, remember that you don’t need to go it alone. Working with a technology recruiter can give you access to a much broader talent pool than most employers can find on their own. Recruiters also have expertise in the job market and can help you best convey your company culture, determine the right compensation and benefits for the role, and otherwise refine your recruitment to make it more successful.

2. Implement an employee referral program.

Employee referral programs are one of the easiest and most effective ways to bring in fresh, highly skilled developers. This gives you access to employees’ professional networks, taking full advantage of your team members as a resource to overcome the developer skill gap.

Just asking employees to refer people to your open jobs is a good first step. Incentivizing referrals can increase employee participation in these programs. One common incentive approach is to give both the referring employee and referred hire a bonus after the hire has been with the company for a specified length of time.

Not only can referrals bring in more applicants, but they can increase the average quality level of those candidates. Employees know better than most exactly what skills and traits will make someone a good fit for your roles. They also won’t refer someone they don’t want to work with, which can help you hire people who will mesh well with your culture and work environment. This makes hiring through employee referrals one of the top retention strategies, as well as a great way to hire better people faster.

3. Improve your employer branding.

Developers know that they’re in high demand. The best professionals aren’t simply looking for any old job—they can afford to be picky about the work environment, culture, advancement opportunities, and values or mission of their next employer.

To attract the best talent, you need to show them that your company is a place they want to work. Employer branding is the best way to do this. Use your online presence wisely to showcase aspects of your workplace that will appeal to top developers. If you have a strong mentorship program, for example, or provide employees with professional development opportunities and a continuous learning culture, these are things that will appeal to top-tier software developers. Other things to highlight are your diversity and inclusion efforts, unique benefits that you offer, or if you provide a high amount of flexibility or other programs aimed at improving employees’ work-life balance.

Another tip for employer branding: involve your employees in these efforts. Messages about the work environment and culture will resonate more and come across as more authentic if they’re delivered by employees rather than the company at large. Feature employee testimonials on your website and social media pages, and encourage employees to be advocates for your company through their social networks.

4. Embrace flexibility and remote work.

With most developer roles, you don’t need someone who can come to your office to get the job done well. Offering remote work can have multiple benefits for companies eager to hire more developers.

For one thing, it expands your reach to the entire global talent pool, increasing your odds of finding someone with the skills you need. The option to work from anywhere can also make your company more appealing to job seekers because it allows them more flexibility to achieve their ideal work-life balance. That can benefit your talent retention along with your talent acquisition efforts.

5. Offer competitive compensation and desirable benefits.

We mentioned earlier that the top developers can afford to be picky. That’s true of the compensation and benefits they get from a role, too. The best software developers know what they’re worth and won’t take a job that offers them less.

The first step to offering competitive compensation is understanding what “competitive” means. Research the going rate for the type of talent you’re hiring and make sure your salary matches or exceeds that average. Along with this, include information about your compensation and benefits in your job postings, so that interested applicants know they’ll be fairly compensated and fully valued if they’re hired by your organization.

6. Integrate AI and automation into your recruitment strategy.

Automation is the latest innovation in recruitment strategies, and one that you should absolutely take advantage of if you’re struggling to find and hire developers. There are a wide variety of recruiting tools out there making use of AI algorithms to source, attract, engage with, and screen candidates.

To give some examples, one beneficial use of AI in recruitment is automated parsing, which quickly scans resumes to identify relevant skills and experience. This can be employed not just on applications you receive but also professionals’ profiles on sites like LinkedIn. Some tools have a specific function to identify passive candidates who could be a good fit for your roles.

Once you’ve gotten a candidate’s attention, you can use automated coding tests and behavioral assessments to verify that they’ll be a fit for your role and culture. Other tools like automatic interview schedulers or pre-screening chatbots can help to make your developer hiring process more efficient.

7. Create an internship or apprenticeship program.

You don’t need to wait until students graduate to connect with them about open roles in your organization. Implementing an internship program gives you a head start on landing the best young talent coming out of STEM education institutions, which can be very beneficial for overcoming skill gaps.

Internship programs are a relatively low-risk way to access young talent. These roles are typically short-term, often lasting for a few weeks and scheduled to fall over summer break, or last for a single college semester. While they may be paid, they are also often offered for college credit, which can be a win-win for employers and interns.

A similar approach is starting an apprenticeship program. Apprenticeships tend to be more long-term than internships, designed to provide in-depth, hands-on training that prepares the apprentice for a full-time, permanent role. While apprentices are still typically early in their career, they aren’t necessarily students in a university course, so you can connect with a broader array of talent by bringing on apprentices. Apprenticeships can also be excellent tools to further diversity and inclusion efforts, helping you to bring new people into the software development world who may not have had the chance to take these types of roles otherwise.

Other strategies to overcome a developer skill shortage

Hiring more developers is only one of the ways you can bring these skills to your team. For employers who are currently lacking developers, exploring other methods of overcoming skill shortages can help you to reach full productivity faster. Whether you use these as stop-gaps while you look for the right people or as permanent solutions, here are some other strategies you can try to overcome the developer talent gap.

1. Cross-train employees with complementary skill sets.

Upskilling and reskilling your existing team can have a host of benefits. For one thing, it lets you add critical skill sets without the need to hire more employees. This can also help to keep your best performers on your team since you’re helping them learn new skills that will bolster their resume and lead to more career progress in the future.

2. Outsource work to freelancers or agencies.

Hiring a developer doesn’t need to mean bringing them on as a full-time, permanent hire. Especially if you only have occasional need for developers, or need them for a short-term project, using freelance talent can be an excellent alternative. This can also be a way to hire more experienced talent, or individuals with niche skill sets who may be difficult to find in the job market.

Another related term you may hear is nearshoring. Outsourcing and nearshoring are similar concepts but with a key difference. In outsourcing, you hire a third party to do the work, often someone located in a different country. In nearshoring, you specifically look for someone from your country or an immediate neighbor. For example, a U.S.-based company might outsource work to India, but nearshore work to Canada. In either case, this is a way to delegate tasks outside of your agency so you can get the skills you need without the need to hire.

3. Use low-code and no-code platforms to reduce developers’ workload.

One way around the developer skill gap is if you remove the need for developer skills in the first place. Taking advantage of no-code and low-code platforms lets you design the apps, programs, and software you need without advanced knowledge of programming languages.

Closing the developer skill gap

There is no easy answer for overcoming the software developer talent shortage, but there are a number of different strategies employers can try to access the critical developer skills they need. It’s up to each organization to assess their current needs and resources to determine which of the strategies above will be the most successful for them. The truth is, while hiring experienced developers can be challenging, it’s certainly not impossible. There are skilled software developers out there ready to work for the companies who have the right strategic recruiting plan in place to find them.